Room properties available at room join time

Are custom room properties guaranteed to be delivered to a client before that client receives the EventCode.Join? In particular, can I be guaranteed that the room properties that were specified at room creation time would be available by the time my code receives an OnJoinedRoom callback? I’m debugging through a crash log that I believe can be explained if it was possible to receive a Join event prior to receiving the custom room properties for that room.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @kroymann,

    When you enter a room either after creating it or joining it you get the room properties in the operation response then you get the join event.
  • Thanks @JohnTube. I figured out as much yesterday after reading and stepping through the NetworkPeer code. I'm glad to see that it does in fact work as I would have hoped it would, but unfortunately that means I'm back to square one trying to come up with an explanation for the crash log that I'm looking at.