Custom AUTH changed?

Was there a change with how custom auth parameters were passed?

My UTF8 strings used to pass ok into my server, now it is incorrect. I havn't changed anything on my code side.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    Hi @mrm83,

    What did you notice? what changed exactly?

    Can you provide web server logs for custom auth endpoint?

    From client, do you send query string (GET) parameters or post data?
    Do you use dashboard configured query string parameters?
  • mrm83
    I am not 100% sure what it used to pass to my server, but I think it was UTF8 because I was not decoding/encoding the string before I insert to DB.

    But now it is passing me unicode. (I didn't notice this until my database was filled with gibberish, I don't know the exact date when it started happening but it was recent)

    This is how I am sending data from client
    PhotonNetwork.AuthValues.AddAuthParameter ("key", "value");
    The "value" is playername, which can be in different languages.
    I do not use dashboard to configure params.
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @mrm83,

    While it should not be an issue for you we apologize about the sudden change.
    We will investigate this further and try to be more careful in the future.