Player position not updating (Photon View)

VR player model not updating for other clients.
-photon view is on the top level Empty (as required by photon instantiate).
-playermodel and camera(head) is under that group but playermodel position does not get updated to other players.
(playermodel has a script on it to update the position relative to the camera(head) this constraint script is working because i see our own shadow moving/rotating when headset is on)

it's just the VR player position not updating for other clients.

I have also tried putting an additional photon view script on the playermodel object but position still not updating.

the photon view script is observing a network player script which lerps between updates. have tried opening two inspectors and observing playermodel's networkPlayer script from the top level Empty that has photon view on it. no luck.

a simpler setup with the Non-VR does work, with the keyboard movement script on the top level of the prefab.