WebGL: UnusedBytecodeStripper2.exe did not run properly

Hello! I try to build project which contains Photon Unity Networking (last version from Asset Store) in WebGL.
But there are 3 same errors:
Error building Player: Exception: C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Tools/UnusedByteCodeStripper2/UnusedBytecodeStripper2.exe did not run properly!

So, what can I do? I tried build own project with photon - same error. I tried build New project + photon (scene from Demos) - same error. I tried turn on/off WebGL in list of plugins websocket-sharp.dll and WebSocket.dll - same error. I tried turn on/off "Run in background" and "Strip engine code" in Player Settings - same error!

And when I try just play it in editor: if in PhotonServerSettings I choose Hosting:PhotonCloud - it works (DOESN'T BUILD, JUST WORKS IN EDITOR) but with high ping (~300); if I choose Hosting:SelfHosted - it even doesn't work in editor and gives error (Protocol:Tcp or Upd - doesn't matter - error):
UriFormatException: URI scheme must start with a letter and must consist of one of alphabet, digits, '+', '-' or '.' character.

All these problems only with WebGL!
(I use last version of Unity)
Help! :(

Best Answer

  • Drepo
    Answer ✓
    The first error can be solved by not using .NET subset stripping level

    The second by putting the full url (with the wss protocol), like wss://yourDomainOrIP


  • Drepo
    Answer ✓
    The first error can be solved by not using .NET subset stripping level

    The second by putting the full url (with the wss protocol), like wss://yourDomainOrIP