flash Games and server side networking

Hi All

I am working on a game with a friend but while we have been testing it we have run into some issues

The first one is that the game is an open world game where you can move about and interact with other players, we plan on having lots of players in a room and want them all to be synced to the server. we also want to be able to have AI's fighting players.
for both of the above to happen, we would need to have a server-side script. I have done some research into this and can not find out how to make and upload one.

my next question is if we can make the game so it works on a web page (flash game), or is this not possible with Photon?

can someone explain how it works?
and we are short on money so for testing cannot afford to pay for a package but it will be vital when the game is released.

thanks for the help


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Hi @Wcallum,

    Photon Realtime is room based. Photon rooms are not suitable for a very large number of players. So you may need to divide the large open world into smaller regions with enough players to fit into rooms. You need to implement an "Interest Management" technique which is doable with Photon. You can find more information about this on this forum or on the internet.

    Regarding server side custom logic, you have four options:
    - Photon Cloud with webhooks and webRPCs.
    - Self hosted Photon servers with custom server applications.
    - Self hosted Photon servers with game server plugins that extend LoadBalancing room logic.
    - Photon Enterprise (private) Cloud with plugins.

    See "Photon Cloud vs. Photon Server" for more information.

    Photon flash client SDK is deprecated. I don't think it is wise to target flash nowadays. You may need to reconsider this.

    Thank you for choosing Photon!