SOLVED - PunRPC on WebGL sent, but not received

In the game i'm making, the player actions are being reported by RPCs

All works fine in the editor, and on android. but for some reason, the RPCs are not executed on the WebGL client (chrome browser). The web client can call RPCs on other clients, but fails to invoke it's own.
No errors, or console logs are thrown.

Here's my implementation:
internal void MakeMove(string movesDataStr) {
..Log and execute move

internal void TransmitPlayerDataToMaster(string movesDataStr) {
PhotonNetwork.RPC(photonView, "MakeMove", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, true, movesDataStr);

Any thoughts why?

Solution: Better testing :) and don't use encryption.
In all the frustration of compiling to webGL, I've misdiagnosed the problem. The RPCs didn't work both ways. Only when sending them, i got an error that encryption is not implemented yet