Unparent an object while PhotonNetwork.connectionState == ConnectionState.Disconnecting

I have a player character who sits on a block. When the player character is sitting on a block he is the parent of the block. This is so that when I move the player character the block follows him exactly. When I disconnect from the game the player character (not scripted disconnect, but forced close of the game window), I need the block to stay on the game. As the block is a child of the player character it is being destroyed along with the player character. I have tried to unchild the block when the player character disconnects using
if (PhotonNetwork.connectionState == ConnectionState.Disconnecting) {
	GetComponentInChildren<CheckForPassenger> ().DitchParentonDisconnect ();
	PhotonNetwork.Destroy (gameObject);
but this is not working as I expected it to.

The block is originally a part of the scene and has a photonview. I do not instantiate the block. It is already part of the scene.

The block is still destroyed with the character. Any advice would be great ;)


  • Hi barry100,

    is there just one block in the scene? Maybe then you should not re-parent it but allow the matching player to change the block's position via function call.