Character View Sync

Im developing a 2d sprite based multiplayer rpg. So after a while of research and little to no help from the community (cough) I have figured out (in my own way) how to sync the view of a character for my system at least. I wanted some insight because I feel the way im doing it isn't as efficient as it could be. If someone could tell me if there's a better way to do this that'd be greatly appreciated.

void UpdateInfo(PhotonMessageInfo info)
Debug.Log ( + " sent this RPC.");

SkinController[] colls = GetComponentsInChildren ();

foreach (SkinController controller in colls)
foreach (SpriteCollection spriteColl in controller.skins)
object gender;
if (info.sender.customProperties.TryGetValue("Gender", out gender))
if ((int)gender == Helper.Constants.Male)
spriteColl.sprites = Resources.LoadAll (Helper.Constants.MaleFolder + controller.sprite_type + "/" +;
spriteColl.sprites = Resources.LoadAll (Helper.Constants.FemaleFolder + controller.sprite_type + "/" +;
Debug.Log ( + " : " + (int)gender);

// If i sent this RPC, assign the equipment locally
if (info.sender.isLocal)
foreach (int equip_id in Session.CharacterData.CharacterEquipment)
Debug.Log (equip_id);
if (equip_id != 0)
GetComponent ().SetEquipment (EquipmentIndex.GetEquipmentById (equip_id));
object skin, hair, shirt, pants, shoes;
if (info.sender.customProperties.TryGetValue ("SkinId", out skin)
&& info.sender.customProperties.TryGetValue ("HairId", out hair)
&& info.sender.customProperties.TryGetValue ("ShirtId", out shirt)
&& info.sender.customProperties.TryGetValue ("PantsId", out pants)
&& info.sender.customProperties.TryGetValue ("ShoesId", out shoes))
GetComponent ().SetEquipment (EquipmentIndex.GetEquipmentById ((int)skin));
GetComponent ().SetEquipment (EquipmentIndex.GetEquipmentById ((int)hair));
GetComponent ().SetEquipment (EquipmentIndex.GetEquipmentById ((int)shirt));
GetComponent ().SetEquipment (EquipmentIndex.GetEquipmentById ((int)pants));
GetComponent ().SetEquipment (EquipmentIndex.GetEquipmentById ((int)shoes));

So basically what im doing here is first setting the characters gender, then the actual look of the character. The reason why i think this could be better is because i've mixed RPC's with custom properties which could be bad practice? I wasn't able to figure out another way to obtain the other characters equipment id's without trygetvalue'ing them from the custom props. Please any insight is appreciated or any advice.

