Is CrossPlatform play supported on Console? (ie PS4 + PC)

Can anyone fill me in on the extent of support for PS4? I'm wondering if cross-platform play is supported from PC > PS4, and if that includes support for PSN Friends and NAT traversal.

I've asked the Unity team regarding UNET, and the response was basically that cross-platform play is not supported, because they use Sony's UDPP2P service, which gives them free nat traversal and other integration benefits:
Currently we provide an interface between NpToolkit PSN matching and UNET. This means you have to advantage of using PSN accounts, and other PSN features like invites and friends. By making use of UDPP2P protocol with the PSN matching we get NAT traversal included.

It has the disadvantage of restricting you to playing between sony platforms only. As this covers the vast majority of what developers require we felt this is a good comprise.

In order to player PS4 vs PC you'll need to use UNET native features for game hosting. You'll also have to mange NAT traversal yourself (both for PC and PS4). Also perhaps an managed server to handle interface with PSN accounts (an 'auth' server)

I'm not aware of any developers that have attempted this yet. While it is no small amount of work (compared to PS4 only solution), it certainly should be possible by ambitious developers with time and resources to invest.

Is this essentially the same situation with PUN?


  • bertelmonster2k
    Yes, Photon is (technically) fully cross platform. But you need to work with your Sony (or MSFT) account manager to check what is allowed/wanted and if there are additional requirements.