Massive Stall when PUN session is being established

I am using PUN in an Android application which is rendering graphics at 60 fps.

I'm connecting using ConnectUsingSettings and JoinOrCreateRoom (in OnJoinedLobby).

At some point during a successful connection process I get a massive stall, which significantly impacts the user's experience.

Is it expected? Is there any way to prevent this stall? Is it known what causes it? How might I approach finding out the cause if it is not expected?




  • jules43
    Does anyone have any suggestions? The stall is definitely caused by something in the Photon Networking / Voice code.
  • emrahsungu
    Do you get so many events at once when you join?
  • jules43
    I'll try to pin down exactly when it happens, in relation to the event messages, and turn up the logging level.
  • jules43
    I don't get a massive number of events when I join. I'm only instantiating a small number of PhotonView's, maybe 5? and they are only replicating a small amount of data.