Best way to handle synchronizing the states of 1000+ objects

In my current project, I have "points" scattered across the level (there will be at least 1000 at any time). When a player collides with them their GameObject is disabled. After a period of time, the point will become active again. What is the best way to handle synchronizing 1000+ booleans? Performance is a high priority since the project will be running on Android and iOS. Any insight would be great!

Best Answer

  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓
    You don't have to sync all the bool values, when just one changes.
    You assign IDs to your points. When a collision happens, send when it happened with the point ID. The point becomes active X seconds after the last collision.


  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓
    You don't have to sync all the bool values, when just one changes.
    You assign IDs to your points. When a collision happens, send when it happened with the point ID. The point becomes active X seconds after the last collision.