JoinRandomRoom joins even if sqlLobbyFilter does not match?

Hi I am trying to use JoinRandomRoom with a SQL Filter but it seems to be always joining me into a room if it exists even if the filter does not match.

I am using an obviously incorrect sql filter "blah blah junk" but I am still getting connected to rooms.

I would expect that if I have LobbyType set to SqlLobby if there is not a match or if there is a problem with syntax that it would fail to join a room. Instead it is behaving like a parameterless JoinRandomRoom() call.

Is this behaviour correct? I am a bit puzzled as to why it is joining a room.

PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom( null, 0, MatchmakingMode.SerialMatching, new TypedLobby(PhotonNetwork.lobby.Name, LobbyType.SqlLobby), "blah blah junk" );


  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    edited August 2019
    Please do read "SQL Lobby Type".
    Make sure you create the room in a SQL-typed lobby. Make sure you set the SQL-properties ("C0" and up) as customRoomPropertiesForLobby when you create the room.
    Then make sure your filter makes sense. "blah blah junk" does not ;)
  • Ricalex
    I am still a bit puzzled as to why it is joining a room.
    If there is not a room in the SQL lobby or the room doesn't have the C* properties set shouldn't the result of this call be a failure to join a room?
  • Ricalex
    edited July 2016
    After making sure the room was all set up properly it is now correctly not joining rooms when the filter doesn't match, thanks!

    I'm still very confused why it was joining a room before. Does it fail to a default JoinRandomRoom behaviour if the query syntax is wrong or the c0~9 values aren't set for the room? What if some of the rooms have the c* values set for lobby but some don't?