Help me plz

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonNetwork.cs(3113,22): error CS0117: `SceneManager' does not contain a definition for `LoadScene'

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonNetwork.cs(3139,22): error CS0117: `SceneManager' does not contain a definition for `LoadScene'

i'm import effect on asset store but after it's happens.

my code is error can't complies can't building.


    in Unity

    in code error 1

    in code error2

  • shftd
    Hello @AHERO
    What Unity version have you got ?

    Check if you have using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; in your file.
    Unity version 5.3.5f1 (64-bit)

  • shftd
    It looks like VS is not recognizing your SceneManagement. Are you sure to have the right version ?
    I checked the Unity Forum and most people have this error because they forgot to import the namespace or because they have a version below 5.3.

    If you have the right version:
    - check if you don't have any script called SceneManager
    - try to remove PUN and reinstall it

    If it does nothing, try Application.LoadLevel(n); where n is the index of your scene in build settings.
  • arhopkins3
    VS is recognising it okay - but the fact it's lowlighted in grey means that the SceneManager is not being used from that namespace.

    You must have another "SceneManager" class somewhere which is breaking things.