PUN Problems

Hi, we are developing a game and I think we have hit a wall with PUN.

I am developing a similar game to agar.io / slither.io, we have the game working fine, but yesterday we opened 25 clients to see how it worked and we noticed that we were sending 7000 msg/s when we are only allowed 500msg/s, whooops....

So I guess PUN isnt going to work for us, but will Photon Server be able to do the job for us?

If so, Where would we host our server?

More than anything, this is a hobbyist project and we wouldn't like to spend shit tonnes of money in servers and stuff so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also, now that we have realised that PUN isnt for us, do we need the PUN+ that we bought to run the photon servers or would be be able to get the money back for the asset that we cannot use?



  • vadim
    vadim mod
    edited June 2016

    Before switching to other solution consider message ratio optimization. Is sending 280 messages per client per sec. is absolutely required? Even with self-hosting server, lowering messages ratio to reasonable value makes sense to save bandwidth and server and client cpus.

    You can host on any windows machine but windows server recommended for production: https://doc.photonengine.com/en/onpremise/current/operations/requirements .
    With free license you can serve 100 CCUs with ˜40k Monthly Actives.

    PUN+ is not required to run Photon servers. It's useful when exporting for moblie on older non-Pro Unity versions. It also includes 100 Concurrent User Cloud plan.

    Please mail to developer@photonengine.com about refund.
  • wuerbo
    Hi Vadim, thanks for the answer. We were also impressed with the number of messages being sent. How would we go about reducing the number of messages sent per second on PUN?
    We are using the default values with just a PhotonView per player that sends the position and velocity unreliable on change. I assumed that by default it would just serialize the PhotonView and send the data 5 or 10 times per second max.

    But also the more I read about it, it seems pretty obvious that PUN hasnt been made to support 20+ players in one room.

    Is there any documentation on how to implement the client side in Unity if we move to Photon Server? Or do we basically use the same stuff as PUN? If so, how would we catch the OnSerialise function sent to the server on the server side? Cant seem to find any documentation regarding this.
  • wuerbo
    Never mind, just realised I was using the wrong client SDK for photon server (I was using the PUN compatible one rather than the one on: https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/onpremise/current/sdks-and-api/sdk-unity3d). I will take a look at it tonight and see how I get on.