Photon multiplayer room make disappear in lobby when room is getting full


Hi all, I am making realtime multiplayer game. want to Provide on options like 1) Room#1 - with two maximum player capacity 2)Room#2 - with four maximum player capacity

If in these case if Room#1 player count (getting full) then this room name should not be visible in lobby. same as for 4 player Room#2, it should getting visible false. these room should not visible to other connected player in lobby. How can it is possible ? which photon function should i have call ? and when call ?

Thanks in advance

Best Answers


  • Dev
    edited May 2016
    Hi thanks for the answer. How to generate another room when one room is getting full ?
    The case are ;
    1#when there is no room I am creating room using one button
    2#when second player joins room, its getting full
    3#Room is getting disappear using isvisible = false, and isopen = false.
    So at that time Want to generate a button with same 2 player maximum and that room should be available for other player who has joined lobby and he can join room using that button ?
    Is it possible in photon networking ? Is there any other option of it ?
  • Dev
    You could have a UI that deals with match making. And take in room information as parameters, if that's what you're asking? Regardless if you have a foreach loop in your update or OnGUI, that should automatically update changes... For example I have a main loop which renders room state... It shows if its open and amount of players in it (2/3 eg). Once that room is full, depending on how you wrote your code it should just disappear off the screen (at least mine does the way i programmed it).

    Hope this helps, wasn't exactly sure of what you were asking but..
  • Dev
    The way I did it was I had 2 options for user: Create match or find match. Find match simply displays all the open (unfull rooms) that currently exist while create match simply creates a new match. In your case, you could set more options for creating a match. Options like least and max amount of players can be parametrized and used before the room is actually created.
    edited May 2016
    Here what I have done is generating another room when its getting full on single button .
    Don't know this fully perfect or not but its working for me. :)
    if(rooms.Length == 0)
    RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions ()
    isVisible = true,
    maxPlayers = (byte)MaxPlayerFromTable
    roomabc += ""+1.ToString();
    if (rooms.Length >= 1)
    foreach (RoomInfo room in rooms)
    string name = "";
    for(int i = 0; i < rooms.Length ; i++)
    name = rooms[i].name;
    if( == name) // Room name is same then join if room is not full
    int r1 = Random.Range (0, rooms.Length);
    PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom (rooms [r1].name);
    RoomjoinCount = 0;
    Debug.Log("Join same Room");
    else //Room name is different then create new one
    RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions ()
    isVisible = true,
    maxPlayers = (byte)MaxPlayerFromTable
    RoomjoinCount = 0;
    Debug.Log("room Available but not same name so create new one");

    Is there something wrong in this code that can mislead me in future ?
  • Dev
    edited May 2016
    Your code seems to have a lot of unnecessary functionality. Try something like this:

    if (PhotonNetwork.insideLobby == true)
    //Display the lobby connection list and room creation.
    GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width / 2 - 200, Screen.height / 2 - 50, 400, 300), "");
    GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width / 2 - 200, Screen.height / 2 - 50, 400, 400));

    GUILayout.Box ("Existing matches");
    GUI.color = Color.white;
    GUILayout.Space (20);

    if(PhotonNetwork.countOfRooms < 1)
    Debug.Log ("No available rooms, make one!");
    // for each currently existing room
    foreach (RoomInfo game in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList())
    // only display matches that aren't full yet
    if(game.playerCount != game.maxPlayers)
    GUI.color =;
    GUILayout.Box( + " " + game.playerCount + "/" + game.maxPlayers); //Thus we are in a for loop of games rooms display the provide assigned above, playercount, and max players provided. EX 2/20
    GUI.color = Color.white;

    if (GUILayout.Button ("Join Room"))
    // join the applicable match
    matchMaker.JoinExistingRoom (; // Next to each room there is a button to join the listed in the current loop.
    GUILayout.EndArea ();

    This is very basic code which allows you to join rooms if they aren't full and displays a bit of info about it - however it uses unity's old gui system, still enough to point you in the right direction though! Hope this helps :)