Ghost competitors in tournament, realtime


I know there is a multiplayer platform which specifically sells on the basis that if people enter a room to be matched (1 on 1) and there is no one in the room, the system will match them with a ghost recording from that room's history.

Does photon have this capability? If so, great, if not, is it implemented as a thirdparty add on (??are there thirdy party add ons)? What is the level of effort required to integrate this behaviour into a room




  • vadim
    Can you explain what is "the system will match them with a ghost recording from that room's history"? Seems like this is not applicable for Photon room which do not have any kind of "history" out of the box.
    As for 3rd party components, you can try WebHooks and WebRPCs which allow to integrate 3rd parties http apis in your application.