DemoPickup character can't be moved.

Hi, i'm a beginner of photon.
I got a problem with "DemoPickup".
At first, i open the demo, move the character, everything is fine, but when i stop moving, the character revert to initial position. so i can't move character normally.
I checked the "PickupController.cs" ,noticed the OnPhotonSerializeView is never be called. Is this a normal thing?


  • ianlau
    forgot to say the version is : Photon Unity Networking Free 1.68
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @ianlau,

    Did you try the demos with an older PUN version?
    If not, we are currently investigating if this could be caused by last update to v1.68. We will let you know.
    Thank you for your patience.
  • Tobias
    Did you have a second player in the room? PUN might be skipping OnPhotonSerializeView if only one player is present at all.

    The player reverting to the initial position sounds like something I encountered before. It might be related to Unity upgrading the project or something. Maybe it broke once more. Will check.
  • Tobias
    I think the problem is due to Unity 5 upgrading of the base PUN project, which we use.
    What happens is that the animations have a position value, suddenly. They are not supposed to have that and much worse: The position is 0,0,0 by default. So when the chat idles, it gets re-set to a fixed value...

    My workaround now was to:
    Run the demo in a built client and in Editor. In Editor, select a instantiated character and open the Animation (not Animator!) window of the Editor. You should see the idle animation selected and having a position value. Delete that (right click and "Remove Properties").
    Now, the Editor is fixed and saves this animation. But the build is not yet ok. Re-build to fix both builds.

    We will have a look at the conversion for the next update of PUN.
    Sorry for the hassle.
  • ianlau
    hi @JohnTube , i don't have a older version. but i fixed this by remove the position property as @Tobias says. thank you all for help!