Is it possible to jump from one room to another while playing the game ??

Hi Everyone !! I was planning to make a multiplayer game in unity. My idea of the game is this that there will be a number of teams in a game. Each team will be allocated a room in a lobby. The room of the game will be containing some customProperties like the position of the the team where it was spawned. Now when some other team corresponding to some other room comes close to a room(containing the location of the team in the scene as the custom room properties) , I want that all the members of that room get spawned in the other room so that the the team members can see each other and interact with each other.
Is it possible to dynamically changing the rooms in PUN.


  • illogiK
    A room is a scene instance. You can't communicate with other room when you're already in a room... So you can't make your game with your achitecture.
    I think you should open one room with the two teams inside. You'll be able to have every properties you want without get headache with room custom props.