Find a Random Room with different search criteria


I’m developing a video game where player can choose maps where he wants to start a new game. My doubt is about how to make this implementation in the best way.

What I want is that once player fire “Find Arena” button, the system can compare with other players that are also looking for a new game with which there is at least one criteria that match in the searching of maps, so when system find another 3 players with the same selected map, anyone of the 4 players can create room and game starts.

I thought in creating a Lobby for each map and make that the player that selected this map as search criteria can connect to that Lobby and then with method PhotonNetwork.countOfPlayersOnMaster get the number of players that are looking for a room in that Lobby and when this is equal to 4, then create room and allow this players join to the room.

This could work good for players that have just selected one map in search criteria, but if a player selects two or more maps I can’t make player connect to more than one Lobby so this solution would not work.

Do you have some idea to deal with this?

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2016
    Hi @elektronische,

    I think you need to take a look at SQL lobby type to try and match players in a single call or use other lobby type and repeat matchmaking process per map. I don't think you need a lobby per map or the number of players in lobbies. You can find more information about this in the Matchmaking Guide.