Instantiate New Gameobject with properties

im developing a 1 vs. 1 multiplayer game, clash royale style.

I need to instantiate gameobjects (ex. monster). Each object has its own properties (ex. Health, Attack, Defense)

I managed to create the object with:
if (pv.isMine)
GameObject go1 = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, hit.point, Quaternion.identity, 0);
go1.GetComponent().initializePlayer(Role, Value, Health, Defense, Attack, Speed);
MonoBehaviour playerController = go1.GetComponent("PlayerController") as MonoBehaviour;
playerController.enabled = true;
GameObject go2 = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, hit.point, Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0), 0);
go2.GetComponent().initializePlayer(Role, Value, Health, Defense, Attack, Speed);
MonoBehaviour playerController = go2.GetComponent("PlayerController") as MonoBehaviour;
playerController.enabled = true;

At run, i can view only the script of the local player, so i don't know how can i retrieve the properties of remote object ? (ex. monster) to compare in case of collision (local vs remote monster).

you have any suggestions or some examples that you would recommend?


  • vadim
    With PhotonView attached, every object has its instances on every client. If properties of this object are synchronized across network, you can use local instance of the object for getting property when colliding.
    Note that you need to call PhotonNetwork.Instantiate only once. Instances on other clients created automatically.