1 of 10 players can't connect to Photon

We've got a strange issue with a system that can't connect to Photon at all.
It get's stuck at this point in the lobby:
if(!PhotonNetwork.connected){ GUI.Box (new Rect(320, 300, 150, 30), "connecting..."); }

Photon is working fine for 9 other players but this one can't connect to Photon at all.

We've checked the router hardware settings, firewall settings (disabled for test), the Windows HOSTS file and the antivirus (disabled for test).

The strange things is, that a second computer is connecting at the same place without any problems.

So it seems to be a specific problem with this computer while it can connect to other games and internet without problems.
Any other ideas where we could search for the issue?


  • Markus
    Did you try to ping the Photon IP and see, if you can reach that server?
  • Lotte
    Not yet but we did it today.
    Yes it reaches the server, ping and tracert are fine.
    Another computer at the same place/router can play without problems.
    Just this one can't enter the lobby cause it can't connect to Photon somehow.
  • Tobias
    Is it a Windows app? Then maybe it didn't get the rights to connect when running it the first time? (There is sometimes a dialog which requires admin rights to allow access)...

    Ping and tracert are using different ports (in fact, ping is another protocol altogether), so it's just an indication if DNS works, etc. The ports required are: UDP 5055 to 5058.
  • Lotte
    edited April 2016
    Yes it's a Windows game.
    I remember the dialog when I first installed Unity.
    So how can I edit or reset the settings from this dialog cause uninstall / reinstall doesn't popup the dialog again?
    I thought editing the firewall settings would fix this but in the firewall the game is allowed to connect.
    Any settings in Windows' registry?

    I don't think there's a port restriction in the router cause the other PC can connect.

    Looks like the player has to reinstall Windows cause it looks like the system is totally messed up :/