Connection And Disconnection Problem

Hello guys :) i have some questions about player connection and disconnection stuff :) so i released FPS Shooter on android now and i have some problems with the moment when room is empty but its not closed and other thing is sometimes there is one player stacked and room is not closed :( the logic of the game is something like this :smile:
when room is created and player joins time is starting ticking and after 5 min round is over i am sending RPC to master he resets room properties and sends RPC for LoadLevel to other players :) if you have any suggestions about this kind of thing or maybe you know other way to do everything it would be great to here :) i do not have problem on PC as i have lunched game on Windows Store too :(


  • Grinch
  • vadim
    Could you provide more details on the issue How to reproduce it? Sending RPC's or loading levels should not cause any problems. Though more common way do so is using PhotonNetwork.LoadScene().
    How long empty room stays open could be adjusted with PlayerTtl option when room is created. Please check if you use this option.