
I am using SetCustomProperties set for room and player custom properties.we are using web hook for getting response from photon server for manage room status.My problem is,when player change properties everything is fine in game but in our server every time GameProperties type = Game pass from photon server,no other response pass type = player.
Also i am changing In,LoadbalancingPeer -> OpSetPropertiesOfActor -> opParameters.Add(ParameterCode.PlayerProperties, actorProperties); for player and OpSetPropertiesOfRoom-> opParameters.Add(ParameterCode.GameProperties, gameProperties); for game properties.
At this situation give me error like Operation failed: OperationResponse 252: ReturnCode: -2 (Missing value 251 (SetPropertiesRequest.Properties) ). Parameters: {} Server: GameServer.

Thanks in advance.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @nirsss,

    I want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly.

    You are saying that if you want to update room properties and forward update as PathGameProperties webhook it works as expected and the argument Type = "Game" which is correct.

    However, if you want to do the same with player properties, you:

    1. Always get Type = "Game" instead of Type = "Player".
    2. Operation SetProperties fails with error reason: Missing value 251 (SetPropertiesRequest.Properties).

    We will try to investigate this and reproduce this but it would help if you could give us the code snippet of how you update room properties and the code snippet of how you update actor properties?
  • UnityGames
    edited April 2016
    Hello John,
    In LoadbalancingPeer script,Set to ParameterCode.Properties in both player and game properties (OpSetPropertiesOfActor and OpSetPropertiesOfRoom),so only game update response come from photon.

    After i change opParameters.Add(ParameterCode.PlayerProperties, actorProperties) and opParameters.Add(ParameterCode.GameProperties, gameProperties) and give me error
     Operation failed: OperationResponse 252: ReturnCode: -2 (Missing value 251 (SetPropertiesRequest.Properties)
    ). Parameters: {} Server: GameServer. in unity.
    Please give me some advice.
  • UnityGames
    I get the player response from photon properly.
    I think photon webhook documentation not updated,i am receiving response for player Type = "Actor" instead of Type = "Player".
    Please see in this url GameProperties, Type="Player" is wrong.Please correct this.
    Thank you for help
  • vadim
    Thanks for the report. We will update documentation soon.