PUN Chat

I am new to photon and was playing around with the chat functionality within the PUN package. I looked around for some helpful guides but I was not very successful on finding something to help me create the PUN chat within a unity canvas instead of using OnGui. Surely I'm not the only one that wants to make the chat work with canvas buttons, input field, scroll view.

Here is a screenshot of a test setup that i listed above, so what I'm wanting to do is migrate the OnGui stuff to the canvas setup.

I'm using the PUN because i'm planning on using it to network this test game i'm working on before I buy it.

Thanks in advance for the help.


  • Onyxius
    Oh i was going to mention the photon chat UI for 10 dollars but i saw the free one mentioned not to install it if you are using PUN so it is kind of confusing. Is the free one not compatible with PUN and the paid version is? Because that's kind of what i would love to move towards is the one in the link.

  • Onyxius
    What is the typical time-span for a response on these forums?
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2016
    Hi @Onyxius,

    We apologize about the delay. Sometimes we miss some discussions on the forum.

    I recommend you the Chat UI Kit made by "The Knight of Unity". You can use it with PUN OR Photon Chat.
  • Onyxius
    Thank you, i purchased the 10 dollar chat addon from the store.