Missing parameters in OnPhotonSerializeView

I’ve been trying to adapt PUN into my project, but I have discovered that when Deserializing data on the receiver side, some parameters go missing and cause a Null Reference Error.
My project has around 250 int’s to serialize in the OnPhotonSerializeView method, and after some testing I’ve discovered that the serialization works fine when there are under 100 variables, but errors appear when the variable count goes over around 200. Unfortunately, there is currently no optimal way yet to reduce the project’s variable count.
Does anyone know why this happens? Does OnPhotonSerializeView have a max parameter limit? Unity’s OnSerializeNetworkView worked fine with this many parameters.
Thanks in advance.


  • vadim
    Hundreds of values seems too be too much for real application (probably could be handled other way) but still should work. Can you please send a repro case? It would be quicker to check it on our side than trying to realize what are you doing exactly.