Need a straight forward answer or guide

I've been reading up on multiplayer for unity for a few days now, (even completed the updated Unity multiplayer tutorial). But I still haven't found an answer to my situation.

I have already completed my game ( its a racing game) and it has been live on the app stores for more than a year now. I recently determined its not aged well and is in need up a large update (visual, and functional) One part of this update is to add multiplayer functionality, as the game was originally offline single player only.

I've scoured the internet looking for the best service for my game and Photon seems to offer the best middle ground so far.

My planned multiplayer implementation is as follows:
-Room based with ~10 or so players
-Rooms to be dynamically created and players allocated to rooms by the server.
-At fixed intervals during a day the server randomizes the track available to be played (the game uses randomly generated race tracks)
-I think the server needs to be authoritative.

Now I'm more than capable of coding the above functionality within unity. The plan is to use the same code for client and server with obvious distinctions between which is which. I can even go as far as creating a separate unity game that basically only handles server logic.

My Question is; my need for guidance is on: how do I Upload my app to a hosting solution to do all of the above? Better yet, who offers such a service and how do I go about the specific upload this game to a host to be connected to as a server step? Does Photon even offer this?

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