Basic Question: Room Information

I'm relatively new to Photon Networking, and I began reading through the Marco Polo tutorial. Unfortunately, as my project is fairly simple (Mostly, if not all UI based, no 3D components or movement, etc), a lot of the tutorial felt irrelevant to me.

I do have a basic question or two. I started with the NetworkManager script, and I started adding data pieces that stored information relevant to my game.

But then I realized that
a) I was probably storing things on the server.. which is perfect until you have two games going simultaneously.
b) Static storage was likely also hurting me... but this means that I can't easily access game information from other scripts

So this leads me to my questions:
1) What script should I make/which one should I edit to add new pieces of data to a room (I've already learned how to set maxplayers - I'm more referring to an array of a customly made item, for instance). If I need to make my own (akin to NetworkManager), what should it inherit from? Where can I find documentation for this?

2) What's the easiest way to access a specific room's data in another script? Can I, in some way, pass in a Room as a parameter?

Thanks in advance for any responses!


  • CSanto
    edited March 2016
    It seems my understanding was a little lacking, I think I get this more now.

    But I do have a followup question: How can I close a Room post-creation? I can't seem to access the Room itself.

    EDIT: Nevermind. I think I have it.