Photon animation speed

I am sorry for my English. My question is,
In my screen i can see that slowing down the animation but other players can not see. What is my fault?

Animator anim; int playerID; void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){ if(other.gameObject.CompareTag("LuckyBox")){ if(playerID==1){ GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("animSpeed",PhotonTargets.AllBuffered,null); } } } void Start () { playerID = PhotonNetwork.player.ID; anim =photonView.GetComponent<Animator>(); } [PunRPC] void animSpeed(){ anim.speed=0.5f; }


  • vadim
    Log RPC calls to make sure that they get called on all clients for proper objects. If they do, something wrong with 'anim' reference probably.