"You are not allowed to call this function when declaring a variable." Error Message

Hey guys
I recently got a random problem with photon
it says "You are not allowed to call this function when declaring a variable" and it's referring to the "PhotonNetwork.cs" script on line 2987.
I literally haven't done anything to that script it just broke up by it self.
not sure why but here is what I already tried:

Re-importing "PhotonNetwork.cs" script.
Re-importing the whole photon asset.
Re-importing all (The whole Project).
Re-configuring "PhotonServerSettings".
Creating a new script with the same name and the same code.
Re-installing Unity.

But unfortunately non of these seems to work.
BTW here is the line that causes that problem:

any idea would be appreciated.

I did something and now the error switched to line 1082 where it says:
PhotonHandler[] photonHandlers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(PhotonHandler)) as PhotonHandler[];

but the same problem still exists.
