Updating MasterClient from Server

Is there way to force an update of the MasterClient from the server.

Here is a scenario, we have a slow device player who creates a room, another player with a faster device join in. We also have a 2 sec timeout check, if the MasterClient is alive from every client connected in the room, so if the MasterClient goes into the background, the room won't be left without a MasterClient for more than 2 seconds.

While building the level, the slower device, will take longer time to process, so during that time the faster device has already detected that the MasterClient has expired, and taken role. But after the processing, the slower device does not know, that he is not the MasterClient anymore, so somehow we need to detect that? Is there a way to call the server and see, if we are still the MasterClient, I know that we should receive OnMasterClientSwitched event, but I guess that this event is not received, because it is being sent, while the slower device is still processing the level.

Any ideas how to solve this?