Different Player styles?

Hi, i am trying to work out how I can apply different styles to players and have them appear in that style when spawned?

Its quite simple in that when the player joins a room, he has already selected there "style" which is a models skin basically. But when spawned on remote computers there just spawned with the default skin, how do make it so when spawned on the remote computers they have the correct skin applied?

I have a script and functions for applying the skins and have tried to do it using RPC but not yet managed to work it out. I then found customPlayerProperties but still cant quite "get it"?

Hope you can help


  • vadim

    Yes, custom player properties is the way to synchronize player's skin over network. Set 'skin' custom property of player before creating or joining a room. Handle OnPhotonInstantiate on player object and apply skin taken from 'skin' custom property of object owner.

    Or you may do same thing with buffered RPC sent right after room creation or join.
  • gibbon84
    Ill give that a shot, thank you.
  • gibbon84
    Just an update, the above seems to be working perfect.