player not visible in WebGL build

looks that just first player in room can see the in coming players, but a new player in room cant see the others.
this error just happend in webgl.
has somebody solve it?
thanks in advance :smile:


  • vadim
    Did you try WebGL export for PUN demos? If they work ok then something wrong with your project.
    Any errors in log? How do you spawn players?
  • mcpepa
    edited February 2016
    ok i will try it :D thanks.
  • mcpepa
    wow, I did what you said and find out that the viking proyect works perfect, so I check all my code, but looks kind of the same as the viking structure, I did a conection with the webgl build and the editor, and I get this messages.

    -WebGL only supports WebSocket protocol. Overriding PhotonServerSettings.
    -Using SocketWebTcp
    -Skipping EstablishEncryption. Protocol is secure

    i notice this warning in the PhotonServerSettings "WebGL always use secure WebSockets as protocol. This setting gets ignored in current export"
  • mcpepa
    the demo works, so I take the viking proyect, and create a basic movement script, a networkplayer script to be observed by the photon view.
    what I find its that the problem keeps with the cube players, but the vikings are spawn ok in all player windows.

    then I replace the code inside the "third person network vik" with my own code and disable all the other prefab scripts and it works, so I guess the problem its not the code, its how webgl and photon read the code, Im I placing the code in the wrong place? :confounded:
  • mcpepa
    how its posible that with the same code the result its totally diferent.
    what its the part Im missing here.
    you can see the player network scripts, the manager and the location of the files.
    Im starting to give up with this, im not considering even buy the licence if its so tricky to fix those problems.
    does this really work fine to all of you, cant belive im the only one. :cry:
  • vadim
    I already asked but you did not reply:
    Any errors in log? How do you spawn players?