Scene auto changing even after leaving room

I am building a 2 player multiplayer system where One player creates a room and another player "joins randomly" to a room.
this is my Awake function in the online menu scene.
void Awake() { //I have to do this because if player leaves this scene and again enter this scene, he can't join or create any room. if (PhotonNetwork.connected) { PhotonNetwork.Disconnect (); } PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene = true; if (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed == PeerState.PeerCreated) { PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings ("0.9"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (PhotonNetwork.playerName)) { PhotonNetwork.playerName = Guest"+Random.Range(101, 10000); } } void FixedUpdate() { if (!PhotonNetwork.connected) { if (PhotonNetwork.connecting) { connectionStatus.text = "Connecting to server..."; } } }

Now I firstly tried JoinRandomRoom(), if it fails i.e. inside OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed() function, a room will be created by the player and he will wait for player. Now, my problem is, if two players try to join a room and if they fails and one of them "Go Back" to "Main Menu", other one automatically goes to that scene. Even if the room joining is failed.

I make PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene = false, in the "Go Back" button's action method. But still it's not working properly.

The most ridiculous scenario is: After coming back to "Main Menu" scene, I can't go to the "Online Menu Scene" again. I have to clear the App Data from mobile settings, then it works. One thing is, user have to login with Facebook/Google.

Please help me someone.