Session without instantiating prefab?


I'm fairly new to network gaming so apologies if this has been asked before.

Is there a way to start a session without instantiating an existing prefab?

The ultimate goal is to give the player the option to customize the style/look of their game character before joining room.

It doesn't seem working with a prefab can do that.



  • FGStud
    Unity built in PrefabUtility class, perhaps?
  • illogiK
    I think you should make a save of your customizations and when you join the room, you apply them. I've done this and work very well. Then, when other player connect, you can re-create them with their customizations. You should check the player custom properties that helped me for this.
  • FGStud
    I eventually figured it out but thanks for answering. Cheers
  • Tobias
    It would be cool, if you could post your solution. Just a summary, to help anyone else with this.
    Thanks and happy coding!