SceneManagerHelper missing in new install V1.65

I just installed the Free PUN, I am new to PUN I have been a BOLT user for a while. But am getting the following error...

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/UtilityScripts/ConnectAndJoinRandom.cs (32,64): error CS0103: The name `SceneManagerHelper' does not exist in the current context

Did I do something wrong on the import, how do I fix this,


  • vadim
    SceneManagerHelper is defined in Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonClasses.cs
    Please check if this file imported correctly. Try to import PUN again in a new empty project.
  • I just installed 1.66 and have the same issue. PhotonClasses.cs is there but I searched the file and there is no mention of SceneManagerHelper.
  • It was overwritten by the Rally Tutorial. Somebody needs to update that.
  • Tobias
    You are right, PUN Rally needs an update or won't work in the newer Unity versions.
    I will ping Erick to update the demo as soon as possible.