players won't spawn in large level


I'm loading a fairly large level. It takes about 10 seconds to load, perhaps a bit more. The problem I'm having is that when the level finally loads, the player doesn't spawn into the game. I'm using the UFPS multiplayer plugin. When I try their smaller test levels, there's no problem. It appears that either the connection is being lost or timed out or there's an execution order problem. I've tried placing Debug.Logs after OnLevelWasLoaded to test for the level ID as well as the loadedLevel name, These seem to be fine, but the CurrentLevel variable seems to be null. In the Photon guide, there's mention of setting "IsMessageQueueRunning" to false to hold the connection, but I'm not sure how to implement this or even if it's the solution. I would deeply appreciate any suggestions. Thank you in advance for your help.


  • vadim
    If you use PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel for loading level, IsMessageQueueRunning is set automatically. Otherwise, set PhotonNetwork.isMessageQueueRunning manually to false before loading level and to true as soon as level loaded.