How to/ Best Way to broadcast previously instantiated sceneobjects to new clients?

Hi, I'll get right to it.
Spawning NPC's to scene like this-
PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject(MyPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity, 0, null);

This works fine so long as the clients are in game when the object is instantiated.
New clients do not see them : (
How to solve this..

It seems the most efficient time to do it would be on player login, something like-

void MobInfo()
if (PhotonNetwork.isMine)
photonView.RPC("RequestActiveMobs", PhotonTargets.MasterClient, PhotonNetwork.player, 0, name);

public void RequestActiveMobs()
if (photonview.isMasterClient)
GameObject[] mobs = FindObjectsWithTag("NPC");
if (mobs != null)}
(some type of FOR loop building an array that can be sent to new client)};

void OnJoinedRoom(){

Of course this isn't working code, but you see what I'm asking right?
Please... show me some very simple function that updates late clients without going down this road: )

ps. First post!
