webgl support status


this page http://doc.photonengine.com/en/pun/current/sdks-and-api/sdks-overview says that pun pupports webgl target atm.

however, when I launch empty scene with command:

I get all kinds of errors, and application crushes (same in latest firefox and latest chrome): http://pastie.org/10641061

I cannot find any docs specific to how to setup webgl target, and I see that neighbour topics have troubleshooting about webgl target, so there seems to be a way to setup.

Can I have some directions on how to set it up?


  • vadim

    You only need to set app id as usual and switch Unity editor to WebGL platform.
    Did you try run app in editor?
    Do you use latest Unity and PUN versions?
    Please run demos from PUN package. Then we can test same app as you.

  • vadim, I used latest unity3d available, and downloaded PUN from asset store the same day (on december, 19).

    I tried to launch marco polo and 2d demos.

    When I launched examples in editor, they worked fine. When I made a build (does not matter, development or not), there are errors.

    In the end I only tried to initialize networking w\o any extra code, and still no luck.

    So there should be local problems, as I understand. Tell me then, how is it possible to connect to photon services, when I launch web on a local web server, if cross domain websocket requests are forbidden (afaik)?
  • vadim
    Unity WebGL applications connecting to Photon cloud websocket endpoint work for me in Firefox even if opened from disk (Chrome default policy does not allow this). When serving from local web server, all browser work ok.