Destroying Objects and Syncing Scene Objects

Before I updated PUN, Photon was able to delete all player created objects- so when a player left the room the object would be deleted. Since reading that this has been disabled now- I added this line of code to my Network script
PhotonNetwork.autoCleanUpPlayerObjects = true;
And it seems to have done nothing upon leaving rooms. The objects still remain.

And now, I couldn't find why this issue has happened but there are zero errors being thrown to me from it. But the movement syncing issue seems to only occur for the Master Server. When one person joins, they become the master. The second person is unable to see the master ( the master's location is at 0,0,0 which is way off map ) but the master can see them. BUT even stranger, when a third player is added- both the second and third player can see one another without any issue- but the master server player continues to have their transform unsynced. Sorry ifthat's confusing- basically the first player has synced transforms for all players. Player two has unsynced transforms for only the master. Player three has unsynced transforms only for the master as well.

I'm wondering if it's settings involved with the master and if it can be enabled that NO player is the master- but I don't know if this is possible.


  • Tobias
    I'm sorry you didn't get a response from anyone.
    You didn't post any update. Did you solve the issue or did you get any step further?

    You can't disable the Master Client, sorry. But I don't think this is the cause for your issues.

    I can't help with this individual problem, as I'm sure it does work, if you get things setup right. For that, you should do the Marco Polo Tutorial and check if you can get things right actually coding it step by step.

    It might have a few inconsistencies and all but you should be able to get that running and learn the basics from it.
  • kittyLLLL
    I had an object I don't remember attaching a Network Character script to and it was causing a lot of issues. But it's fixed now.