Error importing new version

Hello there!!

I just imported the new version of photon and i got the following two errors:

Assets/Plugins/ChatApi/ChatClient.cs(32,31): error CS0433: The imported type `ExitGames.Client.Photon.IPhotonPeerListener' is defined multiple times


Assets/Plugins/ChatApi/ChatPeer.cs(20,31): error CS0433: The imported type `ExitGames.Client.Photon.PhotonPeer' is defined multiple times

what should i do?


  • Tobias
    This is a import issue, as you already noticed. You can either import into a new, empty project (but you'd start from scratch) or find all duplicates of files and remove all but a last file.
    Unity 5 can be tricky with imports, when you moved files around. Sometimes, it applies new IDs to files and won't detect them as update, so it instead keeps 2 variants of it. You might notice files with a "(1)" in the filename.
  • xjimdim
    edited November 2015
    ok so what would i need to do to keep my existing project intact? what should i delete ? I dont see any dupliacate files :/
  • xjimdim
    Oops found it!! There were 2-3 files from the previous release in my root plugins folder!! all labeled as you said (with namefile 1.dll)

    Thank you very much sir