Avoid Ownership correction when serialized data is received after ownership change

I have an object that any player can takeover. When one does so, this will fail as long as the previous owner is still sending data since when this data is received (with delay), PUN identifies data send from someone who is not the owner and changes the ownership back instead of discarding the data. This is quite annoying in my case.
What the best way to avoid this, excepted from removing 'view.ownerId = sender.ID;' in NetworkingPeer.OnSerializeRead ?
Is there something fundamentally wrong about my approach?


  • Tobias
    Your approach is fine and I think we need to rework this part of PUN soon.
    I am unsure (without looking up details right now), if we changed this to some degree already.
    It would be cool, if you could update PUN to the latest version, give it a run and let us know if the problem is exactly the same still.
    With Christmas upcoming, a fix will have to wait until early next year. Till then you can disable the re-assignment of the owner, as you described.