PUN for turn-based games


We are using PUN for a game that requires realtime multiplayer however the need has arisen to include a turn-based mode. Am I correct in saying that PUN doesn't support turn-based games? In the past I've implemented a turn-based game using the Turn-based API (not PUN) and I remember that the main difference from a client-side point of view was that when the player wants to leave the room you pass either true or false depending if the game will be resumed later on or not. Will there be an update anytime soon for PUN to support turn-based? If not what can we do to avoid having to rewrite most of the code for the turn-based game mode?



  • claytonc
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @claytonc,

    Sorry we took some time to answer.

    Webhooks (and WebRPCs) are what makes Photon applications look asynchronous by keeping state between sessions.

    PUN works with Photon RealTime applications. Currently only TurnBased applications support webhooks integration. This will change in the near future. Hopefully, you won't have to re-write anything.