Bolt and Unity 2D Physics

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone has experience with syncing Unity's 2D physics with Bolt? It appears that maintaining the same state of physics across a networked game alone is quite a pain. I was wondering if Bolt has any particular solution to deal with this? The core gameplay of our game is picking up blocks and throwing them to stack on top of each other, then we allow players to climb those stacks. So maintaining the state of physics is going to be super important. It should also be noted that we want to use peer to peer networking.
We a have a trailer here if you want the general idea:

From what I understand there are a few solutions:

1) Let the server handle all physics and then update the clients. This however can introduce delays.
2) Let the clients handle the physics but this introduces inaccuracies.
3) Let the clients handle the physics but lerp their physical values as close to the server as possible. Apparently this is the way Unreal handles networked physics.

Has anyone been dealing with these issues?


  • Tobias
    I just poked Callum to have a look. Sorry for the delay.
  • stanchion
    Those are all valid ways to network physics. Be aware that server auth player controllers and rigidbodies do not mix.
  • Sorry what do you mean by that?
  • stanchion
    For server auth players you will want to use a character controller, like in the tutorial.