Resources Path Handling


in our game we have many items which needs to be instantiated with PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject().

So, I have a curiosity... What is the best way to handle resources path in order to using them in this function? I mean, we have a kind of item database and we can ask him the object prefab (and so the prefab name), but unfortunately we can't know the prefab path.

Have you ever think a easy solution for this? We prefer to handle this in some way without hard-coded path.

Sorry for strange question.

Thanks you for attention.



  • vadim
    Resource name is the path to resource folder relative to (any) Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project (according to
    So it's not clear how you can get only name but not path.
  • erre
    My problem was: if I have a set of items under "Resources/Items/PickableItems/", how can I handle this situation in order to not hard code in my script the path "Items/PickableItems" + itemName? I wouldn' t modify my code if the position of item change in my project (remain under Resources).

    I resolved this with a custom inspector but my question was about a common solution for this (if there is).

    Anyway, Thank you for attention :)

  • vadim
    I think this is Unity problem, not PUN's, if problem at all. As I said, in Unity terms, resource name is Items/PickableItems/itemName. I doubt that Unity resource system designed to support moving things inside Resource folder freely.