php update in game?

Hi, i was wondering if it is good practice to update my mysql database when the game is in play.
by in play i mean people running around shooting at each other on a map.

what i have done is set up my c# class so that every time someone gets a kill it sends 10 points to their ID stored on the database. is this an okay thing to do? will it cause lag? my PHP isn't huge it only fetches an array of id's compares it and updates or inserts accordingly or would it be better to store all the scores and send them at the end of the round?

thanks :)


  • barry100
    i do this all the time.. has no real bad effect on player experience so yes its fine
  • Markus
    Just to note, if you do this on the client side, it may not be cheating proof. And you have to do it in an asynchronous way.