Possible ways for PUN to save files/data in Photon Cloud? And load it when entering this game.

Hi I am new to network and PUN actually. I know how to save/load files (C#) locally but this time I need to put these on the cloud. The scenario is something like a "question library" on the could side and I can update the library any time I want. Not quite sure if PUN can do this I guess so. It did a pretty easy way to sync data in room among players and tutorials explicitly shows it. But any tutorials for function I mentioned above?


  • vadim

    PUN is not for that. It's good for data exchange between clients. To fetch resources use standard http libraries.
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @milanow,

    I would like to add that in the future Photon Cloud Realtime applications, PUN ones in particular, will support webhooks and webRPCs. I don't know how soon.
    Right now only Photon Turn Based applications support webhooks and webRPCs.
  • milanow
    @JohnTube Thanks for answer. It is clear now.
    BTW is it good for using both PUN & Photon Unity SDK in one project? I mean I am currently using PUN. So as you said Photon Unity SDK does support webRPCs. Should I delete PUN completely and change it to SDK? I really don't want to do that since my network part is based on PUN. But seems SDK can do either.
  • vadim
    PUN supports WebRPC, check PhotonNetwork.WebRpc call and OnWebRpcResponse handler.

    In theory it's possible to mix SDK and PUN but you may need to rename namespaces in imports as they may conflict since PUN has everything in root namespace.
    If you do not need PUN, remove it of course.