HttpWebRequest(Response) sometimes crashes Photon totally

Hello.. sorry for the question spams, but there are some milestones I cannot get over..
So I have this function(this web request)

HttpWebRequest someRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create (URL) as HttpWebRequest; someRequest.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; someRequest.Method = "POST"; someRequest.ClientCertificates.Add (client); using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(someRequest.GetRequestStream())) { streamWriter.Write (JsonString); streamWriter.Flush (); } someRequest.AuthenticationLevel = System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequired; try { HttpWebResponse response = someRequest.GetResponse () as HttpWebResponse; Debug.Log("Server: "+response.Server); string responseText = ""; using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream); responseText = reader.ReadToEnd(); //we tried it- it didn't help!! we left it just in case reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); responseStream.Close(); responseStream.Dispose(); } response.Close (); Debug.Log("Response text is: " + responseText); //parsing and creating the list ParseServerFBIDs (responseText); } catch(WebException a) { if(a.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout) { ConnectToNetworks(); if(brFBFriends > 0) { RetreiveFriendsInstalledTheGame(); brFBFriends = brFBFriends - 1; } else { Debug.Log("There seems to be a problem with the connection"); brFBFriends = 2; } } }
This web request needs to be sent frequently so that I update my friends list.. from time to time the streamreader freezes for like 1-2 minutes then it returns only "{" this as a response text and both Photon and Photon Chat disconnect.. and strangely I cannot connect again to them.. There seems to be no connection between this function and photon chat/ photon server whatsoever.. I don't understand why this crashes photon as well - I can't connect to the servers after that again though...


  • vadim

    Why you think that this crashes Photon? Soon after application gets frozen, Photon server disconnects clients because of timeout.
    What is in log when you trying to reconnect?
  • Mir
    What is value of photon server timeout?