I stuck somewhere in Unity Networking using Pun

I have made game and then creating the room to play 2 player game.
Everything works fine but if player 1 restart the game and then again tries to connect to multiplayer game then player is getting an error

ConnectUsingSettings() failed. Can only connect while in state 'Disconnected'. Current state: Connected
PhotonNetwork:ConnectUsingSettings(String) (at Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork/PhotonNetwork.cs:1138)
NetworkManager:Start() (at Assets/Scripts/Networking/NetworkManager.cs:24)

So problem is that Current state of networking is connected due to which it cannot re-connect.

Please help me regarding this problem.. Waiting for solution...


  • vadim
    vadim mod
    edited September 2015
    How do you restart the game? Log client states while restarting. Client either does not disconnect or connects automatically somewhere before you call Connect explicitly