Latency is unbalancing game! Please help! :)

I have photon multiplayer android game and it's server-side/master client rules because physics.,. and I have real problems with latency... :/ so: ping is 100-130ms and client sends input to server and server sends position updates back to client, does this mean 200 - 260ms latency? and it is lerped so even more? I set send rate to 21 for lower latency but it is still problem :( please help! :)
Game is unplayeble now because of nonbalance between masterclient and client(masterclient always win) :(
(Using PUN+)


  • vadim
    I guess you update object positions on master client and sync them via PhotonView on others.
    You may to try synchronize game state with RPC's sent by master with PhotonTargets.AllViaServer option on every game event like user input or collision detection. In this case all clients including master handle RPC's about same time. Now, having game state in-sync, you can update objects positions and velocities or maybe even simulate physics locally until next synchronization data arrived and used for object positions correction.