How to create a game obejct that appears only on the network not on player that created it

Hi everyone, thought a normal instantiate you can create objects that appear only on a player that created it want to do opposite of it. Game objects don't appear on the player that created it but appear on every other player.


  • What "appear" means? Is making object invisible enough?
  • BassaForte
    if (photonView.isMine){ Destroy(gameObject); }

    Instantiate the object like normally using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate, and then check if the PhotonView is owned by the client using 'photonView.isMine' (must have a PhotonView attached to whatever GameObject this code is running from), and if it is local, then destroy it.

    You could set the graphics to be disabled at first and then re-enable the graphics if the object is not owned by the client, so that the object doesn't appear to flash when it's created, before it gets destroyed.